1900 Jan 12
Plague in Cheung Chau, 1899
Plague in Cheung Chau, 1899
As stated in his report dated 12th Jan 1900, by Dr. J.M. Atkinson , Principal Civic Medical Officer of the Colonial Government, knowledge of prevalence of plague at Cheung Chau was obtained in April last and Drs. Thompson and Clark were deputed to visit and take the necessary step to eradicate the disease.
“House to house visitation was instituted, a matshed hospital erected and free medicine distributed, so that by middle of June the disease was practically stamped out. “
It went on to say “ The Police carried out house to house visitation, Inspector Gillies particularly distinguishing himself. Indeed, I have little doubt the assiduous way in which he performed these duties undermined his health, predisposed him to the attack of fever which unfortunately proved fatal.”
“A few cases of plague occurred in Chinese Kowloon. No other case reported from any other portion of the New Territories although the di epidemic in Hong Kong.”
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