Cheung Chau 100 years ago

Government Columbaria Shortage

2006 Feb 15

In the Legislative Council Finance Committee – Public Works subcommittee paper dated Feb 15th , 2006, members are invited for discussion on columbaria shortage problem faced by the Government, with a view to seek for funding of $113.6m by Director of Architectural Services and Secretary for Health , Welfare and Food to construct additional columbarium at Diamond Hill.

Government reveals death per year in past 10 years increased from 30,894 in 1995 to 38,683 in 2005 as a result of population growth.

It is expected to increase to 47,000 in 2015.

Cremation rose steadily in last 30 years from 7,300 (35%) in 1975, to 33,000 (86%) in 2005.

As heavily subsidised by tax payer money, government supply of 138,000 niches were all sold out, as of March 2005.

Private supplies from religious bodies are also restricted to members only.

To meet demand, Government now plans to build 10,000 new niches in Cape Collision, Kwai Chung and Wo Hop Shek.

Additional 1,000 niches would be built in Cheung Chau Columbarium by end of 2006 !


Cheung Chau Columbarium


  Last edited by Cheung Chau Magazine on 27/09/2013

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Last edited by Cheung Chau Magazine on 2013 Oct 21

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