Cheung Chau 100 years ago

Kwok Man School, Cheung Chau

1900 Jan 01

Kwok Man School of Cheung Chau was established around the turn of last century in 1900’s.

There were three different clan’s association schools in the beginning according to plaque set in front of school.

Cheung Chau Wai Chiu Clansman Association, Tung Kwan Clansman Association, and Po An Clansman Association, separately set up schools to take care of education of children from their respective clan on Cheung Chau Island.

For over decades, they were independent schools until wars came.

After wars over, leaders of these clans on Cheung Chau came out to support for a new school.

With the help of  Wong Wai Tsak Tong to donate 2 plots of land and finance from leading kaifongs on Cheung Chau Island, the original 3 separate schools now come under one roof, at No.30 Kwok Man Road and with a new name called Kwok Man School.

Curiously, a third plot of land – Cheung Chau Lot 92RP, which may be basketball court of the school, remains in the hand of  Wong Wai Tsak Tong according to Land Registry’s record.


Cheung Chau Kwok Man School Plaque


Cheung Chau Kwok Man School

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Last edited by Cheung Chau Magazine on 2013 Oct 21

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