Cheung Chau land to let
Farming, barbecue, camping
Cheap rent, joint venture welcome Tags
- 2013年鄉郊代表選舉法例(修訂)條例草案
- Block Crown Lease
- Block Crown Lease (Cheung Chau) Ordinance
- British Colonial Government Policy on land administration in New Territories
- Cheung Chau
- Cheung Chau and Central Ferry Service
- Cheung Chau Attractions
- Cheung Chau Community
- Cheung Chau History
- Cheung Chau Old Town Road Work
- Cheung Chau Peak European Reserve
- Cheung Chau Residents Association
- Cheung Chau Rural Committee
- Cheung Chau Seafood Restaurant at Seafront
- Cheung Chau Theatre
- Cheung Chau uproar on Shek Kwu Chau Incinerator
- Cheung Chau Voting Requirement
- Cheung Po Tsai
- Cheung Po Tsai, Pirate
- Ching Dynasty
- Ching Dynasty New Territories and outlying islands Land Tenure
- Colonial Government
- Crown Rent
- District Officer
- Ferry
- First Public Land Sales on Cheung Chau
- Fong Bin Hospital
- Government Columbaria Shortage
- Government response to opposition for Shek Kwu Chau Incinerator
- Government Subsidy to Cheung Chau Ferry operator
- Governor
- Henry Blake
- Instruction to Police to guard against Malaria
- Kwok Man School
- Land Court
- Land ownership chaos in New Territories
- land surveying
- land title
- Malaria
- Open opposition to Shek Kwu Chau Mega-Incinerator
- Pier
- Piracy on Cheung Chau Ferry
- Pirate
- Pirates attack on Cheung Chau Police Station
- Plague
- Plague in Cheung Chau
- Police
- Shek Kwu Chau Incinerator proposal by Government
- Stewart Lockhart
- Tough life for Cheung Chau fishermen
- Water Supply Pipeline Upgrade
- Wong Wai Tsak Tong
- 中環至長洲線渡輪
- 何人會作為長洲原居民權益的代表?
- 公開信反對在石鼓洲興建超級垃圾焚化爐
- 原居民反對長洲由“鄉村”改被列為“墟鎮”
- 及長洲的選舉制度
- 政府回應反對石鼓洲興建垃圾焚化爐
- 政府提議在石鼓洲興建垃圾焚化爐
- 政府骨灰龕位短缺
- 村代表制度的定義
- 海洋公園保護區禁止捕漁
- 當局不擬把長洲納入原居鄉村附表的理據
- 鄉村及墟鎮的詮釋
- 長洲不是1898年已存在的原居民鄉村
- 長洲國民學校
- 長洲抗議在石鼓洲提議興建垃圾焚化爐
- 長洲海傍海鮮酒家
- 長洲舊墟道路工程
- 長洲選舉資格
- 集體官批(長洲)法例
- 食水供應水管改善工程
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